

{竺莎乖13942417555} 英语翻译UNIT 1 From the beginning “lord Williams” clearly had a great amount of wealth.A few villagers were suspicious of him but most saw nothing that ... - ______[答案] 从一开始显然有“威廉斯勋爵”大量的财富.一些村民们怀疑他,但大多数什么也没看见引起怀疑留到以后再说.大家都认为他把一大笔钱进入村庄.他的钱用来回复许多特性.许多人认为他迷人而善解人意,没有怀疑他在误导他们....

{竺莎乖13942417555} 听力原文:W: This business of having to be a role model, where you c... ______[答案] There are more than a hundred places which are the interest in the world.